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Your Needs, Our Services

This is the space to introduce the Services section. Briefly describe the types of services offered and highlight any special benefits or features.

02. Service Name
03. Service Name

I'm Sam

I do branding, visual communications, and UX design.

But, more importantly, I make work with personality

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Aukus social 4.png
Aukus social 1.png
Build Subs 4.png
Build Subs 1.png

    This project consisted of multiple recruiting campaigns for the US Navy during the holiday season for both and AUKUS, a military partnership between the US, Britain and Australia. The scope of the work included:

    • social media posts 

    • online banner ads

    • billboards

    • digital posters

    • landing page

    • a hat


    The work featured bold, structural typography with dramatic imagery with workers in a heroic light, reminiscent of vintage military design and the greatest generation.

    Now, I know what you're thinking; you can get seasonal work building nuclear submarines for the military?


    Yes. You can.

Seasonal ad campaigns for the Navy

Build nuclear submarines in time for Christmas

mockup 1.png
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WhenSeconds 1 .png
NSP 3.png
NSP 1.png
  • This project was an internal rebrand. The client wasn't the FBI. The call was coming from inside the house, so to say.  


    The goals of this project was to create a design system, language, and a set of deliverables to be used for communications and messaging between Accenture and their clients at the FBI. This included:

    • Art Direction

    • Design System

    • Templates

    • Imagery


    We developed three concepts for the client. The first revolved around bright, bold, colorful typography in lieu of imagery with liquid gradients flowing through big conceptual words. 

    The second design featured light grids flowing over and undulating past US cities and landmarks, indicative of the digital undercurrents and connections that surround us all.

    The third design focused around people in motion - making use of motion blur photography and clean typography. 

    They picked the third concept incase you were wondering.

Internal branding and design

FBI stands for Freakin' Beautiful Interfaces

Banner 4.jpg
  • Over a period of nine months I worked collaboratively with an art director and a strategy team on multiple campaigns which included:


    • design system

    • social media posts

    • online banner ads

    • tri-fold brochures

    • flyers and posters

    • bookmarks

    • billboards

    • event space


    All of our online ads and outreach were immensely successful. I'm talking increases of engagement by more than 50%. That's thousands of applications sent to airports from our ads - and I have the reports to back it up.

Ad campaigns for the TSA &
Federal Air Marshals

Now hiring badasses to ease my fear of flying

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Banner 3.png
Rack Card Back.png
TSA Trifold.jpg
Savings Hub 1.png
  • I designed the Energy Savings Hub website from the ground up.


    Government websites are always too complicated and too wordy, so I set my compass during this project to point towards simple, friendly, and informative.

    This project required an immense amount of content organization with a focus on information hierarchy.

    Keep in mind, the entire Department of Energy has updated their content management system to get more consistency around its gazillion sites. So the savings hub looks slightly different now compared to what's pictured above, but the content and layout is still the same between all of its pages. So basically I crushed it.

And save the world too - with the Energy Savings Hub.

Save money.
Save energy.

ZeroTrust 1.png
ZeroTrust 2.png
Cloud 1.png
Cloud 4.png
CISA 1.png
CISA 3.png
  • So, yeah, when you work in the studio at a big company like Accenture Federal Services, you end up making like a gazillion things like powerpoints, templates, reports, whitepapers, and other various artefacts that either get published on LinkedIn or just fall into the ether on some laptop somewhere.

    Point is, I can make a mean powerpoint. And I don't want to brag, but I make Word look good.

A million little documents, presentations, and templates

I put the power in powerpoints.

  • Sometimes I make cool stuff for myself just for fun. Most of the time they're all a little big surreal and silly... but I like that kind of stuff.

Just to see if I still got it

Digital Artwork

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That's awesome.


I'm Sam

I do branding, visual communication,
and UX / UI design. More importantly, I make stuff with personality

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